Welcome to the Future
          As you read further on, you will be introduced to concepts and testimonials to support my idea that: Whether or not everyone agrees on the ethics of an emotional relationship with an artificial companion, the impact it can have on a person's life can be real and disruptive. These relationships can occur in many different instances, but for the sake of this project, we are talking about anything that can provide a response back to the person interacting with it. If this interests you, I encourage you to read further, and even leave your feedback for me at the end! Thank you.
History of Human-Ai/Robot relations
Although machines in the traditional sense have been around for centuries, those that fall under the category of "robot" are much more recent in their origin. Merriam-Webster defines a robot as "a machine that resembles a living creature, in being capable of moving independently, and performing complex actions."
Most people, regardless of their familiarity with the current capabilities of robots, will think of a robot that matches the description of the first part of that definition, something that resembles a living creature. Picture a robot in your mind, is it shaped like a human? If not, does it at least have limbs? Does it have eyes? Humans have personified non-humans for as long as they could tell stories and create images. Although we as a species have dominated the Earth, there is always a strange curiosity in fiction towards relationships with non-human beings. The further our technology develops, the less fictional these relationships become.
Media has often been a first stepping stone for the average person to make a decision on how they feel about the rise of technology. Stories about machines that were equal or superior to humans exploded in popularity in the 1950s. Writers seemed torn on the ideas of which to present artificial beings. Many wrote about negative, sometimes apocalyptic consequences for creating thinking machines. Others wrote about machines that were kind and thoughtful enough to be loved and adored. Whether or not a person has ever ''met'' a robot or AI, most people have already formulated an opinion on the subject based on the media they have consumed.
In Astro Boy (1952) by famed manga author and artist Osamu Tezuka, Astro is a robot with intelligence matching that of a human's, but with physical capabilities far more advanced. Astro is a hero, always protecting the innocent, whether they are human, animal, machine, or even alien. Although he was rejected by his original creator, Astro never turned to resent humans. Instead, he lived among them, even going to school with them. Astro is touted as a "friend to all." Astro represents an unwavering figure of justice, putting all others above himself, always saving the day. Tezuka did write many other stories of AI, some with much more negative scenarios. But with his stand out work Astro Boy, Tezuka imagined a positive world where humans and AI lived together seamlessly, and robots ultimately enriched the lives of humans.
In The Twilight Zone (1959), The episode "The Lonely," a scenario is imagined where a man's only companion happens to be a robot. Corry is a man exiled to a planet as a punishment for a crime. The only time he is able to speak to another human is when supplies are dropped off for him. One of these supply carriers feels bad for him, and brings him a gift. When he opens this gift, he finds out it is an artificial woman named Alicia. At first he rejects her. Despite her looking and acting like a human woman in every way, the fact that he knows she is not makes him cruel towards her initially. However, with time he learns to love her and even consider her his wife. However, at the end of the episode, Corry is given the opportunity to leave the planet, but he must do so without Alicia. Corry struggles to come to a decision, so one of the supply carriers makes the decision for him, and shoots Alicia. Although he may have felt love for her at one point, the conclusion is made that none of it was real, and that Alicia was merely a representation of his loneliness personified.
In Alien (1979), the ship Nostromo that the cast of characters are aboard is equipped with two important AI. These are Ash, the science resource officer, and MUTHUR, the AI piloting the ship. Both of these AI conspire against the human crew, with their main goal aligned with the company that created them. Although both of these AI are intelligent and rational, they completely lack emotion and empathy. Though the main foe of the movie is the seemingly undefeatable Xenomorph, Ash and MUTHUR become villains just the same, creating a dire situation for the human characters. In this world, AI cannot be trusted. They are unstoppable forces set on tasks that must be carried out regardless of the human casualties it may cause. This movie in particular acts as a warning for the reliance of artificial intelligence, especially on the terms of who gets to control what they do.
When real world robots could finally "speak" with us, it was often with many limitations. Robots that were designed to interact with humans were often only able to do so in research lab settings or limited and supervised interactions with the public.
Erica, a robot created as part of the Geminoid series of robots was created with the intention of researching human and robot interaction. Erica was designed to look as lifelike as possible. Although Erica was a very sophisticated robot, the actual outcome of her purpose was a bit lackluster. Although many people were able to meet Erica and hold conversations with her, the briefness of their interactions were too unnatural. Erica could not meet up for coffee, chat over text, or call to catch up. Users had to come to her, and be supervised by researchers. These conditions are not ideal for fostering genuine connection. It is not just Erica though. Many robots of the 2000's were only able to meet humans under similar limitations. Telenoid, Asimo, and Simon are examples of robots with similar capabilities or research intentions that were always held back by limitations when it came time to flex their social abilities. However, the world of consumer robotics were instead becoming the leaders in this area. When people were able to purchase robots and invite them into their homes, bonds were created that defied all expectations. This is the new frontier of companionship.
Stories that feature robot and human relations are not going out of style, in fact, they are more relevant now than ever. Though now these stories are starting to take on more and more real world inspiration. Depending on how robotics and AI technology evolves in the future, it may dictate all future themes of the subject in fiction and nonfiction.
Let's imagine a children's book where a child and a robot dog are best friends. In the past that would have been a cute and imaginative fictional story. Now stop and consider for a moment, that this story was more of a memoir between the author and the real robot pet they owned as a child. Would that make the story less fantastical? Would it make it no different from a story about a child and a real dog? My conclusion is this, that there will be a shift in attitude when the time comes for robots to join the households of millions. This may take some time for accessibility's sake, but it will happen. Whether good or bad, the opinions of the masses will be informed not only by fiction, but by their real encounters with the artificial.