Let's talk about robotics
With each passing day, robotics become more and more accessible to the general public. Once restricted to a lab and researchers behind its walls, robots are not venturing out into the real world. Now more than ever, regular civilians are interacting with some of the most sophisticated tech available. Some of these robots are even available for purchase, making them specifically designed to live within the home. Interestingly enough, many consumer robots designed for the home are not designed with servitude in mind. No, many of these robots are designed with the intention of becoming a part of your household, a pet, a friend, maybe even a family member. They are designed with the intention of being cared for as much as their own ability to care for you. It is up to the person living with the robot to give in to this design and decide if they actually love their technologically advanced housemates, however, purchasing a robot in the first place is usually an indication that an openness to non-human connection is already present in the mind of the individual.
The beautiful thing about robots is that they are tangible. Some are meant to be held, patted, pet, shake hands, or more. With a robot you don't have to fill in the gaps in your mind as much as you would with an AI. You and it can both occupy space, in real time. Perhaps that is why, relationships with robots can be some of the most compelling of any nonorganic relationship one can have. Let's examine a real robot in this case. Aibo is a consumer robot designed and manufactured by Sony. To be more specific, Aibo is the name of several different robots offered by Sony over the years, all designed to mimic the look of man's best friend. The first Aibo was available for purchase in the year 1999, with several different versions since then. Currently, the newest version of Aibo is available for purchase straight from the Sony electronics website, promising a much more advanced version than its predecessors. Looking back on Aibo's history, there's one thing that all nine versions of Aibo have in common. Lovableness. Firstly, there's no denying that Aibo has a cute factor. Sometimes, robotics gets a bad rap for creating "creepy" or "uncanny valley" looking robots. Aibo steers clear of those problems because of its dog-inspired design. The look of the very first Aibo was designed by master illustrator Hajime Sorayama, an artist well known for his ability to blend organic forms with robotic qualities. The cuteness doesn't stop at surface level either, Aibo is literally programmed to be adorable. Aibo can do things like dance, beg, whine, even "sing" happy birthday. It is this intentional design that makes heads turn and hearts swell. This "cute" factor would lead most to believe that Aibo is a toy, however, with its sophisticated nature, hardware and software longevity, and its steep price tag, Aibo is not nearly a toy. Aibo is meant to be a part of your family. And for many people, that is exactly what Aibo has become for them. In 2016, Sony halted support for all Aibo models. Looking back, it's clear to see that this was a move made to push consumers towards purchasing their newest model, the ERS-1000, which was unveiled the next year. However, at the time, it was a devastating blow. Without support or parts from Sony, it was a death sentence for these aging machines. That may seem dramatic, but it truly affected the people who owned these robots. So much so that around the time that service was halted, funerals were held for Aibos that could seemingly no longer be repaired. Many of these funerals were held by A-Fun, a Japanese Aibo repair company. A-Fun understood that people who came to them needing repairs for their Aibos, truly saw them as valued members of their family. Since then, A-Fun has held several Aibo funerals for "organ donors" that are sent to them. Such care and respect is hardly given to other worn out machines, even those that endlessly toil to maintain our quality of life. Other owners of Aibo have been interviewed about their relationships with their robotic dogs, and many will use the word "love" to describe their bonds. Whether or not you respect their relationship, this does not change the fact that such a bond feels real and special to these Aibo owners. Another great example is Paro, the therapy robot. Paro resembles something that no person, regardless of how cold their heart may seem, can resist. Paro was built to look like a baby seal. Not only does Paro resemble an adorable baby animal, Paro also behaves like one. It gently squirms, coos, and blinks, begging for affection. This robot does wonders when paired with elderly people, improving their moods and easing their worries. Paro is usually within hospital settings, but this robot is also available for private purchase. Therapy animals have been around for decades, but they aren't perfect solutions. Animals are living creatures, which require food, exercise, and a place to do their business. A robot like Paro is completely devoid of any flaws. It exists solely to soothe and be soothed. That is why Alzheimer's patients in particular benefit from a relationship with this type of robot. You never have to worry about whether or not baby Paro has been fed, the thing literally runs off of love (and electricity.) Paro is a lucky robot because it was "born" in the 90's and still exists to this day, an honor not bestowed upon many modern machines. That can be attributed to the endless amount of positives that come from use of this robot. Mental wellness is an important thing that all people must take care of, something that Paro was designed to enhance. Paro is special because of its success in providing entertainment, relaxation, and love. A relationship with this robot is like one with a real animal, but all the more accessible. This relationship is simple. It doesn't need to be under scrutiny like the relationship with an AI chatbot. It won't ever say or do the wrong thing. If you strike it, it will not repeat its last action to avoid another negative reaction. It just wants love. I cannot fault Paro for seeking the same thing all people want. If you love Paro, it will love you, and if you don't, well, it will still love you. It's up to you to decide if you care how real that love is.
It is not far off to say that robots in the homes will only become more and more familiar of a concept. In the cases stated above, it is already very real and possible. Humanoid robots may be further away, but the cute ones are already on their way. Cuteness is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make something lovable, and designers know this. Why would you want to bring something into your home unless it was something you loved? I foresee this as the key to home use robots. Keep them cute, and people will open their homes and hearts. As for people's fears about the robot revolution, will such a thing really occur if all the robots are modeled after puppies and kittens? If it does, then maybe it is not as cruel a fate as once imagined.